Located within a traditional bookbinding workshop, the shop at Paper Moon offer a variety of items for the book arts and paper fan: handmade notebooks and journals, letterpress books, notecards and stationery, books about book arts, decorated paper and unusual paper goods for collecting or giving.
The bindery specializes in professional repair and restoration of books of all types as well as printed works on paper such as maps and broadsides, as well as archival boxes and enclosures. We are also happy to offer referrals to other binderies should you need other specialties. Hands-on workshops are scheduled periodically; please contact us or drop by for more information on workshops or to discuss your project. Don’t be a stranger! CHECK OUT OUR WORKSHOPS!
Hobart Book Village: On Main Street, State Rt. 10 Hobart, New York 13788 Email: [email protected]
Hobart, New York 13788 Phone: 607-778-0961 Amy Morris Pickens Paper Moon Hours: By chance or by appointment. Book Village Hours of Operation Columbus Day to Memorial Day Weekends: 10 am to 5 pm On Holiday Mondays: 10 am to 3 pm - Also by chance or by appointment. Memorial Day to Columbus Day Daily Monday to Friday: 11 am to 5 pm Saturday & Sunday: 10 am to 5 pm On Holiday Mondays: 10 am to 3 pm |